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Standard Revision: Fair Trade USA™ Agricultural Production Standard (APS)

Fair Trade USA is beginning a major revision to our Agricultural Production Standard. This page will continue to be updated with information on the revision process, including how you can participate.

Fair Trade APS Background

The original version of the APS (v 1.0.0) was first published in 2017 and entered into force in 2018. In 2021 a minor revision (v 1.2.0) was completed, which clarified existing requirements and issued an amendment to US Certificate Holders and the US dairy industry.

While the initial five years of APS implementation provided valuable insights, Fair Trade USA recognized the need for a substantial update to ensure the APS remained relevant across diverse geographies and industries. Consequently, the first major revision commenced in 2022 with internal scoping, followed by stakeholder input collection in 2023. The revision process was temporarily paused in 2023 to align with the organization’s strategy and Agriculture Program redesign, ensuring alignment with stakeholder needs and Fair Trade USA’s overarching goals.

Please see the updated Project Plan for more information on the major revision goals, activities and timeline.

Next Steps

As the project progresses, Fair Trade USA will create opportunities for comment and feedback on the APS 2.0.0 draft, including at least one public comment period. Interested stakeholders are welcome to email us at with questions, comments, or to request notification of the opening date of the public comment period.

Fair Trade APS Revision Resources

Project Plan: APS Major Revision

Includes information about the process, project activities, and timeline to revise the Agricultural Production Standard.